Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Am Still Here: Just Weeding A Few Things Out

I am still here and haven't gone anywhere. I have just been getting some things reorganized in my home and here. We are all fine, life has been good, and getting ready for summer to get here.

We have been having so much fun with the grandkids. They spent the past two weekends with us and it was great, tiring but great. Hannah has stole grandpa's heart completely. She makes his eyes twinkle:) And she knows how to "work" him. I love watching him with her. She is the first girl in the family so it is such a treat. Isaac does everything now with the force of being a "four year old". In his mind, it all became bigger and better with turning four. I just love these kids so much and they are such a joy to have around. I have got to upload my camera and get some pictures up when I get motivated.

I have also done some blog thinning over the past week or two. I am keeping up with all of my close people, but have decided to stop following others for the sake of something to read. I know it sounds harsh, but I really get out there with clicking on other's blog rolls. I want to keep it intimate and always pray for those who come here and ask, but I have to stop looking for other things to carry around with me. I hope this makes sense and please know I will be following all of you who know who you are to me. And new people are welcome too, I am just not out and scouting anymore. I am going back to letting God bring you to me:) What a concept right? So I have thinned my list and probably will do more as I go along. If you bring someone to me for prayer, I will pray for them. Always.

So, I will post more in the coming days, I just wanted to tell you where I have been and what I am doing. I love you guys and hope you hang around with me.

Love and Hugs, Laurie


Just Me said...

I think this is the time of year for "weeding" outside, so it makes sense to do it around here too. I definitely would agree that letting God bring "the people" to you makes things even more special. So glad you are enjoying your summer with the grand kids :o)

Have a great day!

Kathryn said...

I, too, can get lost or caught up in going to many different places. I follow too many now. I have "weeded" some, & from time to time, but do so enjoy so many different ones.

I'm so happy to hear about your grandchildren, but kind of sad, too. Knowing that we won't be having children means no grandchildren down the line either.

Still, God promises his love & blessings! I wish them all for you as well. :)

Ter said...

I totally understand.

Dawn said...

When you have to go private, it does the weeding for you - I don't go cruising in other people's blog rolls because it gets to be too time consuming, as you have discovered. I am glad we found each other!

Have fun with those kiddoes.

connie said...

I know what you mean... and I know that when someone enters your heart, they fill your mind, as well, so I feel extremely blessed to have made a connection with you. I know that you are faithful and passionate in prayer, and in friendship, so really, we can't know about the whole world.

I am so distracted these days by so many things, including upcoming testing - but I am here. Wish sometimes I was THERE - where you are. :)

Cathy said...

I totally know what you mean. I need to take of the trisomy18 alert on my google. Let God bring the ones that need us or other that put us together. Glad life is good for sweet Laurie. I love it when you say how much you treasure your time with those grandkids. Blessings beyond belief. Love you!

Dawn said...

Hope your week is going well!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

It is so easy to get carried away, I agree. I read a comment and head over to that site and from there it goes.

Enjoy those grandbabies.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Thank you so much for praying for our sweet boy this past week. Looks like he may get to go home in the next few days. I am so thankful for my new blog friends....and plan to spend some time reading blogs one day this week...
Remember that Tuesday night I will be drawing for the June giveaway...a $75.00 "Card Box"!
Every comment counts for an entry. Plus in thanks for all the prayers said for my family this month...I am going to add 3 other special "surprise gifts"! So there will be 4 bloggers that get blessed this week!

Susie (So Blessed) said...

I do understand, Laurie.
I've started to limit my
blog reading, though I still
pray for many that I've kept
up with for so long. I realized that I can include them in my daily
prayers without reading each and
every detail that is on all the
blogs. Caring for others and praying on their behalf is part of what I believe we are called to do as Christians, but you are right that God is very capable of bringing the needs to our attention. You take care of yourself and your hubby and ya'll keep enjoying those precious grandkids. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers often!


Just Me said...

Just stopping by to say hello. Hope you are enjoying your summer! I was sitting outside reading today and was wishing I was sitting on a beach near the ocean...which made me think about you :o)

Take care,

Dawn said...

Hey, friend, I hope things are okay with you. Missing you!

Anonymous said...

Sending a hug and a hello your way!

Rach said...

Hi Laurie,

I don't know why, but you sure have been in my thoughts lately. I'm dropping in to say "hi" and sending a HUG!

her said...

i'm back Laurie...are you also?? I have alot to read though but noted the fraud blog on a baby girl? Don't know the issues but cannot understand how anyone could use this forum to prey on others troubles...child you are burdened for does not deserve such callious actions as this person did..

Love you and miss talkin to you sista..Debi

her said...