Friday, February 20, 2009

Flashback Friday

Click on picture for bigger view. This picture was taken at the beach in "1979". This my friends, is 30 years ago. Where has the time gone? The boys were 9 years old and we spent our days at the beach, since it is just down the cliffs from our house. The boys would be starting the 4th grade in the fall. (By the way, this picture was scanned into my computer and I haven't figured out how to manipulate size yet) As I remember, money was tight back then as I was a stay at home mom and hadn't started working in a stained glass shop yet. We had one car, a truck for Corky to go to work. We had been living here for 3 years. This June will mark the 33rd year here. The boys slept out in the backyard under the pine tree often in a make-shift tent and the dogs and cats kept watch all night long. Many sleepovers on the weekends with their friends here too. They spent hours upon hours on their bikes exploring the open spaces up here on the bluffs before all of the development took over. Year by year, lot by lot, their territory shrunk, but they had these years to adventure and I am so grateful for the "open spaces". Thirty three years has changed most of the area up here as beach houses are bought up, torn down, and huge houses replacing them have sprung up everywhere. Our house has remained a beach house as many others on the block have too. It is amazing to think that Corky and I were 27 years old when we moved in here. Now we are grandparents watching our precious grandkids play in the same yards and occupying the same bedroom their father and uncle did.

Thirty three years has gone by so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday. So much has changed yet so much has remained the same if this makes sense. This rented house holds our lifetime of memories except for the first 8 years of our marriage. If these walls could talk! They do talk to me these days as I look back. We have grown up together here and are still growing together in love through the fire and the good times. Through it all I am so grateful and blessed to be who I am today. When I look at that picture above, I realize I did not like myself as was the case for so many years. I ask myself why now, and I realize I compared myself to others and never measured up in my mind. Such a waste of time and talent. The Lord has showed me over the years that He wants me to love me for who He made me to be. That's a tough job but I have been learning to let go and let Him show me who I am and I can live with me:) Still working at it and learning after all these years. If I could offer up one word of advice to my younger sisters here, it would be to love yourself as God has made you, and don't compare yourself to others. It truly is such a waste of precious time. Time we can't get back this side of heaven. I love who each and everyone of you are, as much as I have gotten to know you, and I love you each just as God made you to be. No matter our ages, we are all sisters in the Lord who loves us. I feel like a big sister to so many of you too.

Have a wonderful Friday and leave me a flashback in the comments of something you remember and want to share. You know I love comments. They make my day SMILE:)

Love and Hugs, Laurie


Rach said...

1979, huh? What a fun photo! :o)

Isn't it incredible how much things change in such a short space of time?

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

so fun!
i wish i had a scanner, i have some good ones although none as far back as 1979 (i wasnt even born yet :)

Laurie in Ca. said...

Okay you youngsters, just rub it in why don't ya:) I was born in 1948 if you really want to laugh. It sounds like forever ago now. I have lived in seven different decades and two centuries!! Almost before electricity!! Go ahead and laugh, I love you anyway:)

Needled Mom said...

Homes are always changing in the beach areas, aren't they? It sounds like it was a great place for the family to enjoy growing up. We have a place at Rincon and it is the same way. Amazing!

Have a good weekend.

Dawn said...

We have lived in our house 31 years this coming July. We were the first house on our cul de sac - and it is solid houses now for about two miles north of us. I don't like it, but you can't stop "progress." The kids had such fun with the "dirt hills" whenever a new basement was dug - it was dicey watching over them to be sure they didn't land their bikes in the holes. Kristen was 3 1/2 and Kev was 17 months when we moved here - and I planted most of the trees and bushes because of DC's work schedule couple of years. They are now so beautiful - I always said I wanted my grandkids to climb those trees, and now they try. It is paid for, well worn, but I don't have any desire to move - too much stuff in the basement (see today's post!)

Tristan said...

love that coke collection!

not sure how i came across you!

her said...

I remember 1979! Matter of fact, minus the long hair on my husband (only b/c he was in the Navy) it reminds me of us..back in our younger days...I will have to find an old one of us and scan it for you sista.

It is really neat to say that u are in the same home for 33 yrs...compared to my life of moving and multiple homes!

Thanks for sharing...Joy, DeeDee

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

What a beautiful post, it brought tears to my eyes. I often look at the kids and wonder who and what they will become. I am sure you did the same thing. How wonderful you have been able to stay in the same house for all these years. We have been our little house for 13 years and in many ways I would love to move, but there are other reasons to stay. Mostly our street, most of our neighbours are wonderful and lots of kids to play with. We have an annual end of summer street bbq. I would hate to leave them behind.

Thank you for a reminder on to love ourselves for who we are.

I love you!! You are my sister.